Our growing management and growing performance dashboards enable producers to optimise growth of animals and forecast performance. Bringing together essential data for trading and backgrounding operations.
Weight gain & ADG
Property of Origin & Source PIC
Purchase & Sale Price
Link to feedlot performance & carcase data
High & low performers
Forward cast animals to market month by month
Sire & Dam
Analyse performance and manage the herd
Backgrounding operations are able to view data on two dashboards:
Management - animals currently on the property. Ideal for managing of stock, predicting future performance and showing up to date weight gain.
Performance - animals that have exited the business. Enables feedlot & carcase feedback to be tied together with the animals performance on farm. Ideal to analyse which animals perform the best in the supply chain by breed, supplier, vendor or saleyard.
Both dashboards allow the analysis and comparison of performance across Property of Origin, Source PIC, Breed, Sex, HGP status, Class, Sire & Dam, First Weight, Property and Paddock.
Replace your excel spreadsheets
Accurately forecast when cattle will be market ready by altering expected ADG month by month, create draft lists and book consignments well in advance.